Get the basic skills (A1.1) within 8 weeks and choose between full E-learning, blended learning and even individual support with your native German expert.
8 weeks eLearning (A1.1)
Study by yourself, click through the course whenever you like.
8 weeks eLearning (A1.1)
1 group session per week
1 additional private lesson per week
Study by yourself, click through the course whenever you like.
Get 1 lesson per week (8 times) additionally with your expert for German for pastry chefs in a group to practice your aquired skills and ask your questions.
Get an additional individual lesson per week with your expert for German for pastry chefs and practice according to your individual needs and ask your individual questions.
For GROUP AND COACH: You are going to be contacted for your group and your individual lessons after having booked the course to make an appointment, which suits you best.
A1* = For beginners. 8 weeks of German for pastry chefs: Get the best results with videos, pics, interactive games, fun, efficiency.
Necessary grammar, links to more, most important language pieces.
Boost your career! Get the internship in Switzerland, Germany, Austria you have always wanted! Become the best chef of Bohemian, Austrian, German and Swiss chocolate and pastry by having access
to the appropriate literature in German, understanding the chefs and the language in the German pastry kitchen.
*In Europe language levels are categorized as follows: A1 - C2. A1 is a complete beginner, C2 is academic level. An average native speaker is between B2 and C1. Find more:
This course is designed with the content of half an A1 course.
One lesson consists of 45 minutes. For each: The group- and the individual one.