It started to escalate. The chasers got closer. The gentleman and lady looked at each other. Soon everything seemed to be over, they would be cought. Now some more who were after them, approached from the other side. They were surrounded. Where should it continue? They quickly took advice from their new friend. It was a computer. The most intelligent, which had ever been created. It had always had an answer and was their last hope, in the situation now, trapped like animals in the slaughterhouse.

It is hard for me to explain how much I was mesmerized by the new story by Dan Brown, when I was sitting on the train. It is the fascinating story with the title Origin, which I had started to read some days ago. Dan Brown is capable of pulling the readers into a situation, which makes them forget everything around them. Just like other books by him, Origin is also packed with interesting settings and full of brilliant connected context, which make new reflections and views on the world possible.
Anyway, I enjoy sitting on the train again. On my way to wonderful destinations, with the thrill of anticipation. Once again the journey is the reward to a great extent. It is easy to shut down, when I am on the move. The telephone is turned off, an old habit from times, when it was almost not affortable to be called abroad, the internet reception on the way, also on tablets, is bad. Sometimes an email has to be finished quickly, or it would have been good to check out something here or there. Anyhow, the fact that the internet does not work well, although greatly advertised by some railway companies, is somehow calmative. Things which should be done, can easily be postponed to later on.
Now I get in a hurry. Origin by Dan Brown had immersed me into a world, which made it hardly impossible to stop reading. Anyhow it is time to leave the train at the station airport. Anyway: Out. Quick check: Hand luggage there, printed boarding pass (cheap flight, had to be ;-)) within reach, liquits in transparent bag. After having arrived at the ground floor of the airport, I have to get my bearings first: The flight number is safed in my short term memory, that's what I need now to find my way to the gate. There they are again in front of the display panel: My pursuers. What am I supposed to do? How can I get rid of them? In opposition to the e-book, which I had read on the railway, I am, first of all, by myself and secondly, I don't have a supercomputer, I am connected with constantly via smart phone. All right: Breath, think logically.

"First of all you turn right, you shall know the way." I am thinking and I am acting, as if I knew precisely where to go.
"I should have paid much more attention where to go the last time, instead of simply running behind.", is crossing my mind.
Now I am reaching the escalator. A lot of them get upstairs in the centre of that big aiport. From down here you can see the roof of the building, some of these "moving stairs" go up one floor, some two and others reach the top of the building. I am checking out every direction. On the panels you can only see where to reach which check-in counter. But I don't need those, as I had checked in online and am only travelling for the weekend, and therefore only with hand luggage. On my way up I realize, that I would have needed the one, which only leads 2 floors up. They are still there and look daggers at me.
As soon as I am arriving upstairs, I am taking a zigzag course to cover my tracks, just like a rabbit and just as fast, and I am putting myself on the escalator, which leads me down again. Now I can make out that those, who have followed me so tenaciously, are gone. Thank God, I made it. These daggering eyes, which suggest, that you are too slow, that they would be above of you, or you would stray around meaninglessly in the hallways, are gone. Those, who had made you clear in front of the first annunciator panel, that they were the boss, because they would fly sooo much and one should definitely not dare to get in their way.
Now I can sit calmly at the gate and the relaxation starts right after the security check. No more time pressure, nothing else to get done quickly, nobody behind me any more.

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