Flight phobia:
There he is again. Now he seems slightly more relaxed and stays in the frontern part of the aircraft. On the other plane he was sweating so much: When we were queuing, he had turned around constantly, his eyes widening and narrowing, when focusing on something, which he somehow felt disturbed about. After having entered the cabine he kept sweating and nervously checking every direction for potential danger. When one of the cabin crew finally crossed his way, he immediately asked him, whether he could change the seat to be further in front. As boarding had gone fast, nobody else entered the plane any more and most passengers were already seated, it was clear that other seats were available. The friendly, slim, blonde steward explained, that he would officially not allow it, but would simultaneously not shook him from another seat, if he sat there. The small, well rounded gentleman, with oily black hair on his half-bold head, seemed relieved and he turned around to head off. The steward told him to stay here on his seat until everyone was seated though. He did as the steward had ordered, sat down in the back part of the plane and kept checking everyone. As soon as everyone was seated, he started off to the frontern part. Now we are in a different aircraft, as we had to change the airplane, because of some security issues.
Business man:
There is another „category“ of travellers. The „I-am-so-bored-with-travelling-business-men“. Well, in this case I can really only talk about men. I simply rarely noticed women, who acted their „I am successful and wealthy: Have a look! I am so not interested at all, which shows you that I need to travel so much for work“ so well. Anyway. They would mainly sit on the corridor side. That would demonstrate the other passengers, that they had already seen starting and landing so often, that they have had enough of it. Additionally it would safe some time for deboarding. Some device is always in their hands, because that gives anyone else the impression, that they are so important, so they constantly need to profit from every extra second they have. Actually their time pressure is for sure reality, something which you choose to become aware of, when confronted with the result: a reduced quality of health. In addition they don‘t notice anyone around them; just the stewardesses are arrogantly asked about things they would only do exceptionally.
First timers:
There are flight passengers you see very rarely: First timers. They really try their best to do everything correctly. They are quiet, but nervous. The stewardess is not even used to them not having any idea at all. They would simply sit somewhere. When another person with the correct seat number, which was the one, the first-timer already occupies, would ask them to check their seat number again, they would not react, as their language would not match the one with the person talking to them. All that, getting them to their seat, having explained and found out about it first, takes exceptionally long and flight attendants as well as passengers get nervous. The queue leads outside and downstairs along the rolling stairs attached to the back entrance of the plane. It was already clear in the gate that this group of people did not feel well. They also looked exhausted and tired. Having finally been in the appropriate seat, away from their relatives, they clinge to their belongings. From now on they do not dare to move. They watch, what the others do. Sometimes their eyes close involuntarily and when someone passes for the bathroom they startle up again.

Frequent enjoyer:
The frequent flyer, who still always enjoys the flight was sitting right beside me once. I realized, that he was sort of my travel type when we started to talk. He is a steward, I am a holder of a pilot‘s license and we really enjoy every single take-off and landing. Just like the business person do we profit from the waiting time and work, while people are still boarding, or the plane is waiting for its clearance, but we would not hide our excitement. We would take a window seat, whenever we can, be routined with check-in, luggage, queuing, but would have a friendly face, as if going on holiday. The big advantage in the air is: Nobody really distracts you. No phone and no thought, which tells you what else you need to do, before you can continue with what you were doing. Of course: There could be a „on the seat-banging“ toddler once in a while or an overweight elderly man, who hasn‘t thought about brushing his teeth for several months. These are hard moments on a plane, especially in the economy seat.

Young drunkard:
And of course: There is the youngster going on holiday in a group of some other testosterone-filled fellows. They distribute a bad smell of alcohol, are loud, do not notice the world around them and the first thing they do is ordering a beer. They would speculate about why the pilot does not want to start earlier or why the cabin personal has to sit down during start or landing. I even overheard a conversation once, as such a little group of gentlemen would sit behind me once, when they uttered their fear about some noices (the landing gear being pulled up) and how they would survive in the case of an emergency.
Anyway. Now, as a tour guide you shall check as much as you can: Where is the exit, luggage claim, tax claim, which terminal is located where and what airline starts from where, ... ; as you might have to pick up your guests from the airport you are landing at.

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